“Sometimes superheroes need support too”


I’m a licensed associate counselor providing mental health counseling in the State of Arizona both in-person and via telehealth.

I use a trauma-informed approached for the treatment of anxiety, depression, ptsd and to support people with life’s transitions.


I’m a self-awareness coach that helps people overcome adversity by helping them understand their purpose and strengths.

*disclaimer* coaching is not a replacement for mental health counseling and is not appropriate for the treatment of mental health disorders.


I believe that knowledge is power.
It is my desire to make the basic principles of psychology and human bhavior available for all- in a way that is easy to understand and apply to daily life.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

Victor Frankl

Get In Touch

  • john-eli@coopercounselingcenter.com
  • (480) 256-9106