Soul Butter Station vol. 4 (Captured “live”/Isla Vista Worship)

Although I am already an avid fan of acoustic sets, I find myself in a deeper level of musical euphoria when gospocentric stories of grace are linked into the melody. This describes my exact experience when I recently heard Mark Bowen’s (of Isla Vista Worship) live performance of their new single, “Captured.”

Soul Butter Station vol. 1 (Deliver Me-This is my Exodus)

Although taste varies from person to person, I’ve yet to meet somebody whose life has not been cataclysmically changed by an encounter with a lyric and/or melody, that wiggled its way into their soul. In fact, some musical masterpieces wake us up like the smell of a grandma’s kitchen, as she bakes homemade buttermilk biscuits, on a Saturday morning.

When a washed-up-choir director gets a hold of an acapella app

Last year year, on MLK day, I spent a good part of the day playing with the Acapella Maker app.I thought I’d share with you what became of my shenanigans. Just a note: The video isn’t showing up on the WordPress app, it seems to only show up in a web browser on your phoneContinueContinue reading “When a washed-up-choir director gets a hold of an acapella app”

What I learned from saying “yes” to something that I had been avoiding

I have a history of giving into shame. She’s a beast and my natural tendency is to let her have her way without putting up much of a fight. However, in that moment I felt something that I had not felt in a very long time…

How I responded when a beautiful girl crushed my dreams

I stood there in shock. I hadn’t anticipated hearing the words that I just heard. Yet, deep inside I could not deny the truth being told to me…… “John, have you considered that you aren’t genetically capable of singing the repertoire that you’ve been trying to sing?”….