What kind of name is John Eli?

https://youtu.be/etGXHJs-n80 I spent most of my life feeling indifferent about my name. That is, until I realized that it was a prophetic declaration of who I was to become, and what I was to do. đź“šI’d like to help you reclaim your purpose. Click on https://john-eli.com/work-with-me/sch… to schedule a free 1 on 1 discovery sessionContinueContinue reading “What kind of name is John Eli?”

What I learned from a good “bro-hug”

The exercise wasn’t the least bit complex. In fact, I didn’t expect it to trigger the emotions that it did. Yet at that moment, I felt safe and grateful, and I wanted to hug him…. and I wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

Shame is like mold

For years I allowed the shame of my past to rob me of my vitality. I was disappointed with what I had allowed my life to become and unwilling to forgive myself for it. In retrospect I realize I should have sought counsel and accountability. Instead I chose isolation and self-loathing. I stepped back fromContinueContinue reading “Shame is like mold”

Freedom from the pain of judgment

The good book tells us to stay away from every kind of evil (1 These 5:22). Knowing this, it is important for us to recognize that evil also comes in the form of accusations, judgment, and unforgiveness. Your past may include a multitude of poor decisions and mishaps made on your part. Nevertheless, those wereContinueContinue reading “Freedom from the pain of judgment”

11 personal sins that I choose to confess and renounce

What you find below is my confession to a bundle of personal practices that have caused many pain and heartache. So here it goes……

Why my 7 hour drive was worth it….

Approximately three years ago, I found myself dragging my soul through the darkest corridor I’ve ever traveled through. It didn’t help that I created this mess myself. Somewhere along the line of trying to navigate life outside of my calling….