What being a life-saving-hero taught me

For some reason, I assumed that it was customary and required for a person to be greeted with a fanfare of applause and praise if they saved someone’s life….. Boy was I mistaken…..

How to deal with feelings of abandonment

This is for those of you who have been feeling alone, neglected, or abandoned.
May the love of Jesus surround you as you walk this journey of life. 

Don’t you dare try to tell me how to feel! (pt. 2)

For quite some time, my emotional health could be compared to a bottle of soda-pop that had been violently shaken and was waiting to surprise any person who dared to open it. In turn, my emotional pain began to manifest in other ways.

Don’t you dare try to tell me how to feel! (pt. 1)

My life has been filled with people who have “lovingly” tried to tell me “how to feel”, “when to feel”, and “what not to feel.”