Stop pretending

There is no need to pretend to be someone that you are not. God loves you as you are. Your current circumstance never changes the amount of love that He has for you. Rest in that truth instead of soaking in self-dissatisfaction. God made no mistake when He created you. He delights in you andContinueContinue reading “Stop pretending”

How I defeated bullies and what I learned from it.

“Hey John,” he said, “You get picked on a lot, at school, don’t you?” For a moment I paused. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to answer his question. If I chose to be honest, maybe he’d show some compassion. But in my fourteen years of living, I came to understand that compassion was not an adverb that was commonly used to describe teenage boys. If one existed, he would surely have to be placed on an endangered species list.

What I learned about the “stage” of life

Many of us stay stuck, in a miserable state of living, simply because we do not give ourselves permission to imagine life as anything different. If we are to ever move forward in life, we must allow ourselves to imagine what life would be like outside of our current reality.


Refuse to allow the shadows of life to hold you captive.Use them to remind yourself that God is near.You were born to be victorious.*share with someone who could use some hope today* John Eli is a transformational life coach who has spent over 15 years mentoring individuals in life skills, career transitions, and through organizational change.ContinueContinue reading “Shadows”

Radical love > Self-hatred

I chose to confront this question with a clear and conscious decision to love myself regardless of the opinions, or judgement, of others. I concluded that the gospel is much more than a “get out of hell for free” card. It is an invitation for me

How I overcame anger, disgust, and self-hatred

Feelings can be used as a launching pad that sends you on a pathway towards redemption, restoration, and change. However, if not dealt with, feelings can hold you prisoner to the things you hate most.

I forgave myself

When I reached the top of the climb, I took a moment to view the scenery and admire God’s creation. As I took a deep breathe, I made a decision to forgive myself.

Don’t you dare try to tell me how to feel! (pt. 1)

My life has been filled with people who have “lovingly” tried to tell me “how to feel”, “when to feel”, and “what not to feel.”

What being “weird” has taught me…

I’ve come to terms that God created me this way for a reason. There is a reason why no two fingerprints are alike. There is a reason why every snowflake has its own design. God didn’t intend for us to all be cookie-cutter replicas….