Reclaiming your identity & purpose

The day came when I was no longer willing to hide behind a smile and I chose to walk away. My personal exodus led me to a literal desert where I had to learn to reclaim the life that I was created to have.

Part of the healing?

The one who held me captive was cruel and hateful. Although he was human, he acted aggressively against me, stealing every ounce of joy and trace of peace that lived in my soul. I wanted him to go away and let me live my life, but there was no escaping him. “Why?” you may ask…..ContinueContinue reading “Part of the healing?”

Wounds that empower…

Sometimes life hurts. Seasons of sadness are inevitable. Sometimes your heart becomes wounded to the point where it feels like it can beat no more. Nevertheless, it keeps beating desipite your your circumstance. In that moment, the steady beat is given to you as a reminder that life and resilience exist within you. The beatingContinueContinue reading “Wounds that empower…”

11 personal sins that I choose to confess and renounce

What you find below is my confession to a bundle of personal practices that have caused many pain and heartache. So here it goes……

The day when I had to choose between God and the girl

I was aware of her traumatic childhood. I was also aware of how it had impacted her life. Her father was extremely abusive to her mother and to the family. In fact, she bore a small scar near her eye from a brick that her father had flung at her when she was little. Her experiences caused her to be abrasive in her interactions at times. She could be distrusting of people and it took a while to gain her trust.

How I defeated bullies and what I learned from it.

“Hey John,” he said, “You get picked on a lot, at school, don’t you?” For a moment I paused. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to answer his question. If I chose to be honest, maybe he’d show some compassion. But in my fourteen years of living, I came to understand that compassion was not an adverb that was commonly used to describe teenage boys. If one existed, he would surely have to be placed on an endangered species list.

Healing from pain

Many of us become accustomed to the pain that we experience after a traumatic experience.-After time passes it is difficult to part from what you have come to experience as “normal.”-Nevertheless, in order for you to grow, you must learn to “let go.”-You must release your grip on your pain in order to heal.-It isContinueContinue reading “Healing from pain”

3 things I learned from the smelliest job ever

In big cities, teens have the option to apply for jobs in fast-food, retail, & clerical offices. Although these positions may be a far cry from a desired career, they offer a luxury that teens on the farm don’t have, air-conditioning.

Radical love > Self-hatred

I chose to confront this question with a clear and conscious decision to love myself regardless of the opinions, or judgement, of others. I concluded that the gospel is much more than a “get out of hell for free” card. It is an invitation for me