3 lessons I learned from one of the biggest lies I’ve ever told

From the moment that I lied…, I felt shame and regret. I have yet to attempt to tell a lie that didn’t leave me feeling the same way. As I’ve journeyed through life, I’ve come to the conclusion that that I don’t want to live under a cloud of shame.

Radical love > Self-hatred

I chose to confront this question with a clear and conscious decision to love myself regardless of the opinions, or judgement, of others. I concluded that the gospel is much more than a “get out of hell for free” card. It is an invitation for me

Pain & Beauty: The start of my new journey

… for a brief moment, I experienced the agony that Jesus felt as he carried the weight of our sin to the cross. I felt waves of sadness, heartache, and disappointment… Yet, at the same time I was overtaken by a Tsunami of love…..