What kind of name is John Eli?

https://youtu.be/etGXHJs-n80 I spent most of my life feeling indifferent about my name. That is, until I realized that it was a prophetic declaration of who I was to become, and what I was to do. 📚I’d like to help you reclaim your purpose. Click on https://john-eli.com/work-with-me/sch… to schedule a free 1 on 1 discovery sessionContinueContinue reading “What kind of name is John Eli?”

Reclaiming your identity & purpose

The day came when I was no longer willing to hide behind a smile and I chose to walk away. My personal exodus led me to a literal desert where I had to learn to reclaim the life that I was created to have.

The pendulum between catastrophe and optimism

Overcome with hopelessness and shame, I nervously paced each room of my empty house. The only thing louder than the desolate silence were the thoughts that came across my mind.

Love is still there

I ran across this quote earlier this week. I don’t know who originally penned it. However, I know that it is the absolute truth. For most of my life, I lived with an erroneous assumption that true love doesn’t ever cause pain…. Then the day came when I was the one who caused the pain…ContinueContinue reading “Love is still there”

What I learned from the lies I told myself

Making that phone call was absolutely one of the scariest things that I have ever done. However, it helped clarify the truth surrounding a lie that I had believed for years. Owning up to believing the lie paved the way to hear the truth that I needed to hear.