11 personal sins that I choose to confess and renounce

What you find below is my confession to a bundle of personal practices that have caused many pain and heartache. So here it goes……

Why my 7 hour drive was worth it….

Approximately three years ago, I found myself dragging my soul through the darkest corridor I’ve ever traveled through. It didn’t help that I created this mess myself. Somewhere along the line of trying to navigate life outside of my calling….

The holy hands of a drunk man

It’s not everyday that I find an inebriated man laying his hands on me, and praying over me. Nevertheless, this was the exact situation that I found myself in while on a business trip in Farmington, NM.

Shame, and why I absolutely hate it

All six of them stood before us, that day, all in a row. We all knew what was coming and it wasn’t good.

I hated these moments and had witnessed them one-too-many times. I never understood why the congregants allowed this archaic practice to take place.  Were all of them too fearful to stand up and do something about it?

Discomfort and change

I usually experience seasons of discomfort prior to seasons of growth and forward movement.•I’ve come to the understanding that discomfort is actually a divine gift.•Time after time God has used discomfort to nudge me out of my comfort zone.•Although, I tend to fight change, I also know that change is inevitable.•In spite of the discomfort,ContinueContinue reading “Discomfort and change”


Refuse to allow the shadows of life to hold you captive.Use them to remind yourself that God is near.You were born to be victorious.*share with someone who could use some hope today* John Eli is a transformational life coach who has spent over 15 years mentoring individuals in life skills, career transitions, and through organizational change.ContinueContinue reading “Shadows”

What I learned from 3 separate scenarios of marital separation

As much as I might criticize my friend’s husband, the truth of the matter is that I too struggle with arrogance and pride. I too have a propensity to throw fits of cataclysmic proportions when things do not go my way. No matter how much I would like to deny it, I have a tendency to try to control people and situations through manipulative behaviors. Although, I have surrendered this vice to God, it still beacons for my attention.

Lessons from a holy communion conundrum

it is every believer’s liturgical nightmare to lose their elements while partaking in this sacred sacrament. Sadly, this is exactly what happened to me, this last Sunday, as my communion wafer slipped out of my hands and rolled across the auditorium

What I learned from saying “yes” to something that I had been avoiding

I have a history of giving into shame. She’s a beast and my natural tendency is to let her have her way without putting up much of a fight. However, in that moment I felt something that I had not felt in a very long time…

3 lessons I learned from one of the biggest lies I’ve ever told

From the moment that I lied…, I felt shame and regret. I have yet to attempt to tell a lie that didn’t leave me feeling the same way. As I’ve journeyed through life, I’ve come to the conclusion that that I don’t want to live under a cloud of shame.