Life & light

Be mindful about the thoughts, experiences, and practices that you entertain. Not everything is meant to find a home in your heart Some things are meant to be chased away. Others are meant to be ignored. Then there are those things that give us life…. the things that make us come alive… When you runContinueContinue reading “Life & light”

I’m right, you’re wrong, that’s the truth….

Recently I came to the realization that I have a serious problem. Somewhere in the course of this life, I came to the conclusion that “I am always right.”

The holy hands of a drunk man

It’s not everyday that I find an inebriated man laying his hands on me, and praying over me. Nevertheless, this was the exact situation that I found myself in while on a business trip in Farmington, NM.

What earning $459/month taught me?

The proposition was a simple one. The church needed both a janitor and an associate pastor. Unfortunately, they could only afford to hire one. I could tell that the pastor was trying to sell me on the arrangement, but his efforts were pointless. I had my mind made up before any attempt to convince me was made.

Be you! (No apologies needed)

Got a minute? Thought I’d leave you with some encouragement to go out and be all who God created you to be…

Thoughts on personal strength, weakness, poor-choices, and healing

One thing that I can always count on, when my suegra visits, is homegirl is going to “get-down” in the kitchen. That lady can cook like there is no tomorrow. And I…. let’s just say that I am 100% fine with that. However, the day after, I can literally hear my arteries crying, as they continue to process all the refined grease (manteca) and spices that we, Mexicans, like to indulge in.

4 things I learned from my last panic attack

Anxiety is a hideous beast that I’ve previously overcome. Prior this episode, I hadn’t had a full-blown anxiety attack for years. Somehow, this one snuck into my peaceful existence and created quite a disruption.