Reasons you may need a coach (pt. 2)

In case you wonder what it is that I do…. In a nutshell, I guide and support my clients as they develop the mindset needed to bridge the gap from where they currently are, to where they would like to be. Contact me if you, or someone you know, are interested scheduling a complimentary discoveryContinueContinue reading “Reasons you may need a coach (pt. 2)”

Get your complimentary “Creating Clarity” tool

Hi friend, The past few weeks I’ve been developing a tool to help your current life experience and to clearly define the life that you desire to create. It is my hope and prayer that this tool will help you explore possibilities and develop a path towards fulfillment. For a limited time, I am makingContinueContinue reading “Get your complimentary “Creating Clarity” tool”

Coaching question

Many of us have a picture in mind of how we would like to experience life. For most of us it involves a change in one of 8 areas life: finances, career/purpose, emotions, social interaction, spirituality, physical health, intellectual stimulation, & personal environment. Out of all of these areas of life, which one do youContinueContinue reading “Coaching question”


Discontent always presents an opportunity to re-evaluate, restructure, and re-gain momentum. In memoments of discontent we can be tempted to give into frustration and fear. However, there is better choice to be made. Instead of giving into paralysis, we can use the energy of discontent to stir up the passion and determination needed to fulfillContinueContinue reading “Discontent”