The Unshakable Man Podcast Ep 16: Mindset, Goals, and Choosing to Happen to Your Life with Virtual Mindset Coach John Eli

Late last year, I had the privilege of sitting with coach Chris Lee Wilson to be interviewed as a guest on The Unshakable Man Podcast.

I thought I’d share the episode with you.

Make a decision

How many times do we make a choice and then fail to place action behind our goals? Its not enough to solely desire something. We need to be willing to do what it takes to get it. Align your life with what you are aiming for. 👍👊💥 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ So be careful how you live. Don’tContinueContinue reading “Make a decision”

Why my 7 hour drive was worth it….

Approximately three years ago, I found myself dragging my soul through the darkest corridor I’ve ever traveled through. It didn’t help that I created this mess myself. Somewhere along the line of trying to navigate life outside of my calling….

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? – God never places a dream in your heart without empowering you with the ability to bring it to fruition. – Take a moment today to write down how you would like to live your ideal life….. Also take a moment to write down one step that you can take,ContinueContinue reading “What are you waiting for?”

Freedom from past choices

Do you ever find yourself re-living the consequences of past choice over and over again?…. If so, here is some hope for you. – – – Unapologetically yours, John Eli Garay JoJohn Eli is a transformational life coach who has spent over 15 years mentoring individuals in life skills, career transitions, and through organizational change. HisContinueContinue reading “Freedom from past choices”

Who will you be?

Who you are has nothing to do with your current circumstance.-Who you are is dependent on who you decided to be when you woke up this morning.-Who you are is a mindset… So before you move forward with your day, take a deep breathe and decide who you are going to be today. Then letContinueContinue reading “Who will you be?”

Shame, and why I absolutely hate it

All six of them stood before us, that day, all in a row. We all knew what was coming and it wasn’t good.

I hated these moments and had witnessed them one-too-many times. I never understood why the congregants allowed this archaic practice to take place.  Were all of them too fearful to stand up and do something about it?