My path from self-hate to acceptance

There was a time in my life when I literally hated the sound of my name. Somewhere, in the dark corridors of my mind, I created a story of shame. The story of shame included the sound of my name.

Anxiety & what I learned from it

I rushed home, buried my face in my pillow, & began to cry… I felt as if I was losing control. I felt alone. I felt less-than. I felt shame. I wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Why me? I was trapped in a shell of perpetual fear.

How to deal with life’s “embarrassing moments”

My desire for each of you, is that you would love yourself, regardless of where you are currently at in your journey. My prayer is that you would not allow life’s embarrassing moments to define you. No circumstance, relationship, decision, or lack of movement should have the power to define you. Own where you have been. Own where you are going. Own your choices. Own it all!

My battle with shame and what I’m doing about it

Shame is an enemy that you can’t ignore…..
I am loved. I am forgiven. I am redeemed. My life has meaning. My life has purpose. I am not a mistake. I am not my past. My best days are yet to come. God is not finished with me. He has my heart and I belong to him.