Then there’s that possibility….

Our minds tend to catastrophize. That is, we have a tendency to think of the worst-case scenario in almost every situation. If this tendency isn’t addressed, we will find ourselves running from our passion and purpose. It’s time to silence negativity. Go out and be all that God created you to be!!! STOP POSTPONING YOURContinueContinue reading “Then there’s that possibility….”

Part of the healing?

The one who held me captive was cruel and hateful. Although he was human, he acted aggressively against me, stealing every ounce of joy and trace of peace that lived in my soul. I wanted him to go away and let me live my life, but there was no escaping him. “Why?” you may ask…..ContinueContinue reading “Part of the healing?”

My battle with shame and what I’m doing about it

Shame is an enemy that you can’t ignore…..
I am loved. I am forgiven. I am redeemed. My life has meaning. My life has purpose. I am not a mistake. I am not my past. My best days are yet to come. God is not finished with me. He has my heart and I belong to him.